How Shades of Green Influence Your Mood 

Green is known as a calming, down to earth color. It’s no wonder as to how it has such a tranquil effect, since green is so prevalent in nature. Various shades of green can be found in lush grasses, thick trees, and stunning gemstones, just to name a few.

Depending on the shade, green can actually evoke different moods and emotions. Join us as we discuss the different shades of green and how they can impact your home.

Earthy Greens Promote Relaxation 

These dense, mossy shades include forest green, olive green, sage green. Using these tones in the bedroom or study may help you to feel relaxed and allow you to unwind after a long, overstimulating day. These colors promote a feeling of being grounded, calm, and at peace.

Bright Greens Energize 

Lime green, chartreuse, and neon green are upbeat and lively shades. In nature, you can find these colors naturally occur in limes, frogs, and new leaves getting ready to unfold. Decorating your space with these tones will provide an optimistic impression, so try them out in your kitchen or wherever you like to get creative.

Dark Greens Are Balancing

Hunter, emerald, and jade greens are great for living rooms or offices because they enable feeling focused, restored, and provide a sense of stability. Houseplants in these shades can breathe life and vitality into any space. Make sure to allow plenty of sunlight to care for your plants, and to boost your own mood as well.

Blue-Toned Greens Are Soothing 

Have you ever wondered why the ocean seems to be so soothing? That is because sea foam, teal, and mint green represent feeling serene, refreshed, and peaceful. These blue-green shades look great in bathrooms, spas, and anywhere you like to practice self-care.

What Shade of Green Speaks to You?

Nature is healing, but if you don’t have time or are too far away to spend time outside, you can bring the calming effects of nature to your home. Whether you want to relax, calm your mind, or find solace in the forest, you have the power to create your own nature-inspired haven.